
Friday, June 24, 2016

Return of the Mack

It often seems that when life gets to be too much, I retreat into my shell and hide for whatever amount of time I deem appropriate. Pretending that the outside world doesn't actually exist and hasn't in fact been plotting against me. 

But I have emerged with a renewed sense of average optimism. 

Where have I been? What have I been doing? Questions that need answers! Who's asking? Probably no one. 

But answers you shall receive. 

In the past few months I've moved to a new apartment, finished the semester off strong, sent my boyfriend off to him home land, Deutschland to be specific, for a month (felt like years), and been basically swallowed alive by my depression and anxiety. 

Self diagnosed of course, but not any less valid. 

But with all this time, I've done a great deal of thinking. By some standards, maybe too much. 

And I've realized that I wanted to express myself more, tell my story, give insight to who I am, what I'm doing, how I'm doing, my struggles, and my victories. In hopes to help someone, or maybe just me blabbing. 

Either way...enjoy

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